AWAFEY 7-Spices Ground 175g
7- Spices is a Spice mix that is very often used in the Arab world.This spice mixture is based on seven typical oriental spices. The magical combination of strong nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, allspice, ginger, black pepper and cardamom aromas give your dish a special taste and an oriental note.7-spices are suitable for ground beef dishes. You can also ..
AWAFEY Mahleb Powder 25g
Mahlab, also Mahalab, Mahleb or Mahaleb, is the name given to the seedling from the core of the rock cherry.In Arabic (especially in Syria), Turkish and Greek cuisine, Mahlab (Turkish Mahlep, Greek μαχλέπι) has been used for centuries as a spice and baking ingredient with a sweet and sour, nutty taste. The powder of the ground kernels is mainly use..